
Type: Dog

Subtype: Great Dane/Saint Bernard/Labrador mix

Multiple Type? Yes

Gender: Female

Size: Large

Billi is a dog who is a house pet/companion dog who is Nathan’s ride-on partner. She keeps him calm, and prevents him from going out of control. She doesn’t have an ability to speak,–unless she’s interacting with other animals/characters. Like some big dogs; she can sometimes be a large pal for some children at some fair,–except she is built to handle some issues with her owner who refused to get used to living without his parents.

Billi is kind of like a house-pet all right, but she often gets herself to work via any situation, such as Nathan’s bad temper, or out of control behavior. She always be on Nathan’s side when Nathan is asleep.

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Type: Dog

Subtype: Poodle

Multiple Type? Yes

Gender: Female

Size: Large

Weight: 1000 lbs.

Height when standing on 4 legs: 5 feet and 11 inches (excluding her head) 8 feet and 11 inches (head included)

Tail Length: 5.5 feet

Body length: up to 9 feet

Paw size: Large

Amelia-Amber is a large poodle made her dayview via a book, “The Magic of the Merry-Go-Round Creatures”. She’s a large poodle with a head of a girl. She’s ridden by me. She’s a large poodle who can handle her mount longer than any other dog on the planet. She’s sort of like a big dog that is almost larger than a horse, or pony. Although she’s too big to wear a leash for conventional walking side by side… or pull a dogsled. She can handle carrying 88% of her body weight. But she can carry 8 times her weight on her back!

She came to life after she was removed from a merry-go-round during revamping someplace at the largest mall in some village.

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Nancy Mouse

Type: Fancy Mouse

Gender: Female

Color: White

Size: Large… used to be a small mouse

Height: 8.1 feet when standing on hind legs

Weight: 600 lbs

Full name: Nancy Logan Mouse

Nancy is an anthropomorphic mouse who made her dayview via a book “Wilfred & Nancy” in 2014. She is once a small white mouse used to be owned by Jill, a keeper who kept mice as pets. Wilfred chosen her when he wished he wanted to keep a mouse as his buddy.

When Nancy grew so big; she gained an ability to be ridden by her new owner. She became a big mouse. Giving her an ability to enjoy being a big mouse.

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Katherine Monkeyward

Type: Monkey

Gender: Female

Color: Black

Full name: Katherine Morgan-Ray Monkeyward

Criminal status: Ordered NOT to spank children for 44 years.

Katherine is an anthropomorphic monkey who is nothing more than a spoiled princess… she often gets herself into trouble. She’s been under hot water for her abusive schemes. For example; illegal spanking; cutting school, rushing to get a job, and refusing to comply with her foster mother’s orders.

Sometimes Katherine often gets so bossy; she makes up her own rules at home while she attempts to block her cousin Lennie from reporting her to her father, Keith. Since Keith often catches Katherine for being an abusive sister; Katherine often loses her priviliges,–due to her ungreatful acts against Amy Mouse,–resulting her to seize her cruel acts.

Although; she is now ordered NOT to spank children for 44 years. That’s her criminal status. She’s known for illegal spanking, abusing her cousin, Eddy, being bossy at some school, bullying, hitting people, setting out traps, and causing trouble.

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