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Type: Fancy Mouse

Size: Medium

Gender: Male

Color: Black

Full Name: Ramone Lou-Robert Mouse

Early Life

When Ramone was born,–after his older sister was born; he resembled a 1.5 feet long mouse,–just like an oversized fancy mouse. He wears a yellow pants with purple socks, and a black shirt with a large “L” on it. His mother, Annet has introduced Ramone to Amber-Dawn, his sister during his first days of life. He’s kind of like a sensetive child,–due to his IQ issues. His dad provides him some toys to get his life changed a bit. Well, he doesn’t grow that fast, but he grows slow. He has a heavy bond with his mother,–due to his dad going to work. He isn’t able to be suitable for daycare centers, and a babysitter. However; Amber-Dawn’s babysitter has started babysitting other children.

However; Ramone’s IQ level has been going down,–due to a defect that caused him to learn slowly, and get distracted quickly. His mother has spent lots of money to get his behavior resolved. Annet has discovered Ramone roaming in her apartment when trying to get her apartment resistant to her son. She has to do the same format what she did to Amber.

When Ramone is about 2 years old; he attended his first day of school,–the same school what Amber-Dawn goes to. But he takes a different class because, his IQ is the known issue what Annet has experienced when Ramone was diagnosed with IQ issues. Annet has claimed parts of her husband’s family may be involved in violence. But she can still get her child educated, and taught special tasks with a slow pace. That’s why she don’t spank children under any circumstances.

Years went by; Ramone has to take yearly IQ tests to confirm if he’s learning correctly, or doing his tasks correctly.


Playful, shy, curious, intellagent,and sometimes helpful.


Short slender black mouse with an African-American-like format; pink nose, green eyes, short whiskers; small ears on top of his head with a purple tint via his inner ear; big head; short legs, long arms; small hands;and a spiral black tail with a purple tint. He wears a black shirt with a large “Z” in yellow; purple pants; blue socks; and a black pair of shoes.


No cameos yet.

Vegetarian Status

Ramone is exclusively a vegetarian. That means… he can’t eat any meat. His mother has claimed Ramone isn’t able to eat chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and other meats;–due to his severe allergies. He can eat fish, or seafood. Never the less… Ramone isn’t able to eat eggs because, since he has severe allergies to chickens (when eaten)… if he ate eggs; he will be end up breaking out, and develop rash.

Religions what he joined

Ramone hasn’t joined any religions just yet.



Those are his allies:

  • His nurse… due to his falling IQ levels


No enemies yet.


I created this character because, I decided to add some possible problems what my character has encountered.

Like Lennie… he’s a black mouse. But he’s darker.

Ramone is considered an African-American-like mouse because, I prefer him to be black,–just like me.

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